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Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

The world of the drug addict is cold, lonely and empty and one where those who are not addicted would never want to step into. And there remains much ignorance amongst the so-called normal members of society and professionals as to what they can do to help.

The pros and cons of a moral model versus the disease model of addiction have been debated around the world for decades. The battle has been long and hard. At the end of the day, it is clear that no country has been able to honestly claim total victory. What is clear is that this battle cannot be fought alone. The addict needs his family, his community and all the spiritual strength that he can muster to start and guide him along the path to recovery. The task is too big for any one individual, family community or country.

Medical science and technology have done much to produce new medications and treatments to address the physiological changes in the brains of patients with addiction. However, medicine does not have the monopoly over the recovery process. At most, it can only be a complementary partner to a healing and reconciliation process that must involve man and his Creator.

Regardless what our individual stand is on the various issues concerning causes and treatment o drug addiction, the facilitator of this healing process must begin with the re-establishment of contact and effective communication between those who are lost in addiction and those around him.

This essence is what compassionate engagement in addiction is all about. With compassionate engagement, the door is open to deliver hope and guidance to those who are hopelessly lost.

For the uninitiated wanting to embark on this mission, to read and to be able to feel this message, will provide him with the right essence. To be effective, we should seek to reach out early to those who need help, be it the addict, his friends or his family.

Early intervention and prevention is the only strategy that will work to break the chain of transmission of this disease. For this strategy to work, we need to mobilize a whole nation of people sensitized to the fact that the individual effort of each and every one of us can make that difference.

Often you have been told or have heard that a loved one has an "addictive personality". Is there such a thing as an addictive personality ?

The dictionary defines "addictive personality" as one which is "characterized by or susceptible to addiction."

What makes one susceptible to addiction ? data from Alcohol Anonymous and Narcotic Anonymous have dispelled the myth of the addictive personality.

There is however, a proven genetic predisposition towards chemical dependency. Children of alcoholics are twice as prone to addiction as other unaffected people. In spite of an inherited tendency towards addiction, the majority of people with addicted parents do not become addicts themselves.

In would be reasonable to say that there is no such thing as an addictive personality that is someone destined to be an addict. There must be other factors acting on the probabilities and vulnerabilities.

When an addict is on drugs for say, eight to 10 years, the disease profoundly alters his personality. the addict has detached himself from others and has more explicit trust and relationship with an inanimate object or event. this relationship is of short-term pleasure with long term pain and is pathological.

Meeting his spiritual, mental, emotional and physical needs via a relationship with an object is a sickness. The calling is for instant gratification -- the need to delay cannot be heeded. The disease of addiction now leaves a deformed personality.


Based on the passage given, write a summary about

* the problem faced by drug addicts

* how society can help addicts


Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning. Your summary must be in continuous form and not longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below.


Begin your summary as follows :

"There is widespread ignorance on drug addiction among the public ..."

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There is widespread ignorance on drug addiction among the public and professionals as it is difficult to understand the addicts' empty world. The battle against addiction requires the combined efforts of family, community, and the addict's spiritual strength. Advances in medical science and technology for better treatment have helped patients but yet insufficient for a complete recovery that involves a reconciliation process with God. Known as  compassionate engagement, the resumption of contact and communication between addicts and those around him are vital to offer hope and guidance. Early intervention and prevention will break the chain of transmission of this disease. Everyone of us can make a difference. The addictive personality is a myth. The addict becomes a deformed personality as his strong relationship with drugs detaches him from his surroundings. ( 130 words )


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